OSSTF Provincial
Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly (AMPA)
The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly (AMPA) is held once a year at the start of the March Break. Every Bargaining Unit in OSSTF is given a fixed number of delegates and alternates to attend AMPA on behalf their bargaining unit. The quantity is based on the FTE in each Bargaining Unit. The process for selecting delegates from a Bargaining Unit is laid out in our local T/OT constitution.
Provincial Executive Election
Election of our Provincial Executive happens at AMPA. An election occurs biennially in odd numbered years. The AMPA delegation elects:
1 President
2 Vice Presidents
3 Executive Officers
1 Treasurer
What Happens at AMPA?
At AMPA, debate and voting takes place through "motions" on Internal Policies & Procedures, External Policies, Bylaw One, and Constitution & Regulations.
The Provincial Strategic Action Plan and the Budget are shared and recommendations must be voted on and passed by AMPA.
How to Attend AMPA
1. Read the weekly emails sent from the District in the Fall. A call-out for Provincial Assembly Member/Delegate requests will be sent to the membership.
2. Each interested member, will complete a short, one-paragraph write-up as to why they wish to be a local Provincial Assembly Member/Delegate.
3. A vote will occur at the T/OT Council to select our AMPA delegation. The District reserves at least 2 delegate seats for members who have never attended AMPA.
How to Participate
1. Attend as a Provincial Assembly Member/Delegate to participate in debate, ask questions, and vote.
2. All members of OSSTF are welcome to attend AMPA as an Observer. Observers are not permitted to participate in debate or vote.
3. Propose a resolution/motion. There is a deadline and this must be done in advance. Seek support from the D16 T/OT Office or your Provincial Councillors if you need help.
4. Encourage other members to attend with you.